Embracing The Silent God : Theological Implications of Psalm 88 for Pastoral Care


  • Robinson Simanungkalit Hoseo University


Psalm 88, Embracing God, Dying, Pastoral care


The purpose of this study is to explain the theological implications of Psalm 88 for Pastoral Care. The study delves deeply into the conditions presented in Psalm 88, which poignantly describes the deplorable conditions of imminent death. Through an analysis and interpretation of the text, the expressive language used by the psalmists reveals the depth of their suffering and the reality of death. The phrases "my life draws nearer to Sheol" and "among the dead" are used to explore parallels between lamentations in Psalm 88 and the experience of someone in a dying condition. This study also shows the need for pastoral care in providing spiritual guidance to those who seek to “embrace” God at the time of death. Through descriptive qualitative research grounded in an extensive literature study, this article seeks to explain the important role of pastoral care in offering support for dying people.


