Spiritualitas Resiliensi Kaum Janda Dalam Menopang Pendidikan Anak Di Kelurahan Sirumahombar, Kecamatan Nainggolan Tahun 2023


  • Betania Lumbantungkup Institut Agama Kristen Negeri Tarutung
  • Meditatio Situmorang IAKN TARUTUNG
  • Reymond Pandapotan Sianturi IAKN TARUTUNG


Spirituality, Resilience, Widows, Spirituality, Resilience, Widows, Children's Education


Every widow faces various problems in her life, both psychological, emotional and social. This research aims to determine the spiritual resilience that widowed women have in supporting their children's education. Five female respondents in Sirumahombar Village, Nainggolan District are widowed in their marital relationship. They experience heartache, sadness, destruction, even broken family relationships and are even stigmatized by society. However, they continued their lives and even supported their children's education. The research method that the researcher used was a qualitative method with a pastoral case study based on Tjaard G. Hommes' theory of description, analysis, interpretation and pastoral praxis. This research will show that widows have spiritual resilience but still need empowerment services. The spiritual resilience factor that they have is every problem that occurs.

